A hung-over Haku is surprised to find himself talking to an extraordinarily large beast resembling a bird. But the misunderstanding is soon cleared when Ukon welcomes Rurutie, princess of Kujuuri, who was hiding behind the beast, Kokopo, and talking with Haku the entire time. Her motive to visit the village is revealed after Ukon explains to Haku and Kuon that he and his group were tasked to escort Rurutie to the capital, Yamato, and invites the duo to join him. Soon the group, Maroro included, leaves and Kokopo appears to have taken a liking to Haku surprising Rurutie. As night falls, the group sets up camp and as Kuon is about to fetch water inviting Rurutie along, Haku offers help and asks the girls to stay in an attempt to impress them. He soon regrets his short-lived bravado as he struggles to carry the buckets now filled with water. Maroro appears and offers help but to no avail with Kokopo having to save the "damsels" in distress in transporting the buckets. Back at camp, a relaxed Kuon and Rurutie enjoy their hot baths when Kuon notices a presence lurking in the shadows. Immediately, grabbing a wooden bucket, she darts towards the forest and tosses it towards the intruder, whom appears to be in sight, but the projectile is blocked by a tree. In the midst of the commotion, a nonchalant Haku appears in front of a nude Kuon but appears unfazed by the situation while Kuon shudders in embarrassment. The next day, the group continues their journey and Haku notices there are fewer people in it. Then in middle of the road, they encounter a woman whose cart has been stuck in a rut. As the group help her, they are ambushed by bandits whilst the woman, armed with a knife, suddenly points it at towards Ukon’s neck whose expression remains relatively calm. Since the group is outnumbered and surrounded, they are forced to surrender. The woman, Nosuri, is applauded by her partners in crime who begin looting the cargos. With ulterior motive, one of the bandits, Mozunu, taunts Rurutie and Kuon but is warned by Nosuri that their deal was to only loot cargos and if breached, their alliance is called off. The bandits leave but the group remains calm, having seemingly anticipated the commotion. As Haku asks Ukon what he plans to do, a cool-headed Ukon admits it was all a plot to capture the bandits while at the meantime, the 'missing bunch' from the group have already started making their move. As the bandits reach their hideout, an optimistic Mozunu, who appears to be the leader of his gang that partnered with Nosuri and her guard, begins to plan their future together to reign terror. However, immediately, Nosuri calls off the alliance along with her guard, having transpired that Ukon's group have used the Trojan Horse strategy to invade the hideout. The guard let loose the cargo and Ukon's men begin flooding the scene. Haku, Kuon, and Maroro stay with Rurutie and Kokopo whilst Ukon leads his group to join the battle to liberate the bandits. As Maroro worries about the safety of his comrades, Rurutie asks Haku how he is able to trust Ukon so easily admitting jealousy. Back at the battlefield, the bandits are easily overwhelmed by the opposition whilst the helpless Mozunu escapes from a secret passage along with two of his men as Nosuri and her guard looks on. Remarkably, the exit of the secret passage appears to be behind where Haku and his group are. Mozunu decides to take the group hostages so that they can escape. With Maroro knocked out from unsuccessfully trying to cast a spell and Kuon and Rurutie apprehended, Mozunu begins taunting Haku. However, his master plan is soon foiled by the enraged Kokopo who forces the three bandits to flee towards an unidentified masked man with a brigade of troops. The masked man, who appears to be the Royal General of the Right called Oshutoru, orders his troops to arrest the bandits then congratulates Haku and Kuon for protecting Rurutie and bids farewell remarking that they will meet at the capital, Yamato, again. After the credits, the group, having regrouped and recuperated, finally arrive at Yamato.